lesson image

You remember how rivers make rainfall and fertile soil. The Great Central Plain has some of the best farm land in the world.

In the northern cold part hardly anything grows, but in the central part great quantities of corn, grain, fruits, and vegetables are raised.

In the south the farms raise sugar cane, cotton, tobacco, rice, and coffee.

On the western plains great herds of thousands of sheep and cattle are raised.

In the Great Central Plain are hundreds of cities where the farm products are sold. Here, too, the farmers buy the farm tools and machinery which they need.

In the city mills the wheat is ground into flour and the logs from the forests are sawed into planks or made into furniture. The cattle and sheep are killed, and the meat prepared for our use.

Notebook Work: Label the top of your notebook page with "LESSON 41." Sketch a North America farm and its crops and animals. Label the drawing, "NORTH AMERICAN FARMS."